Forgotten Garden Collection from Fallen New York Design (FNY)




Fallen New York Design (FNY) has created a massive gardening set that is as romantic as it is captivating. Create your own visually stunning secret space using the various items that will be released this month at select events and that are on sale at their in-world location. Next month the entire set will be available as a giant collection that can be purchased at the main store. Let’s check out the amazing Forgotten Garden Collection now.

:FNY: Designs – Weathered Garden Pergola (Available in Resin Wood, Vintage White, Green Painted)

Weathered Garden Pergola and Wild Creeper Ivy are available at the current round of Ebento. July 11th – July 30th.

A pergola is a grand statement piece for any garden. The feature forms a shaded walkway, passageway, or sitting area that adds elegance and the right touch of romance to the surrounding area. The Weathered Garden Pergola has three beautifully detailed aged texture options to choose from to create your own visual impact; Resin Wood, Vintage White, and Painted Green. When covered in Wisteria this focal point takes on a life of its own. The pergola has a total land impact value of 12Li and has Copy and Modify permissions.

FNY: Designs – Wild Creeper Ivy (Set of 6 growth shapes)

There is something spectacularly magical about a wall covered in wild Ivy. The delicate foliage can soften a stark stone wall and add an air of vintage grace to the overall look. This set includes 6 different growth shapes to be sure the outcome appears natural and free-flowing. Each strand of Ivy has a total land impact value of 1 Li and has Copy and Modify permissions.

Ebento runs from July 11th to the 30th.

:FNY: Designs – Planted Vintage Watering Cans (blue, yellow, green)

Planted Vintage Watering Cans and Mile a Minute Vines will be available at The Liaison Collaborative. July 18th – August 10th.

Antique watering cans filled to the brim with colorful blooms add a vintage charm to any space. Nestle the weathered watering can amidst a cluster of mossy terracotta pots to make gorgeous garden accents. The cans come in three timeless colors; sky blue, mossy green, and sunshine yellow. Three colorful plants are also included. The watering can has a total land impact value of 1Li and has Copy and Modify permissions.

:FNY: Designs – Mile a Minute Vines (violet, white, pink, blue)

Beautiful vines bursting with colorful blooms round out the offerings at The Liasion Collaborative. The flowers come in 4 cool shades and can be intermingled to create a fantastic display of color in your garden. There are 6 growth shapes to ensure the look is not static. Cleverly place these vines on walls or on the ground to create the sense of a rich and lush environment. The vines have a total land impact value of 1 to 2 Li and have Copy and Modify permissions.

The Liaison Collaborative runs from July 18th to August 10th

:FNY: Designs – Overgrown Antique Garden Chairs (Violet Vines, White Vines, Roses)

Overgrown Antique Chairs will be available at Shiny Shabby. July 20th – August 15th.

Beautiful blooms grace the presence of these old weathered iron garden chairs. The flowers daintily envelop the seats in three splashes of floral colors and brilliant green. The garden thrones are eye-catching and look genius in an outdoor garden area. The chairs have a total land impact value of 5 – 9 Li and have Copy and Modify permissions.

Shiny Shabby runs from July 20th to August 15th

:FNY: Designs – Wisteria Sinensis Hanging Plant (Set of 10 growth shapes, and 5 colors)

Wisteria Sinensis Hanging Plant and Antique Garden Bench will be available at Cosmopolitan. July 25th – August 6th.

There is something positively irresistible about Wisteria. Grown over trellises and pergolas, its long flowers hang down, tinting the air with their scent, evoking quiet afternoons and leisurely walks through the English countryside or deep South. This set comes with 5 beautiful shades that are on 10 different growth shapes to ensure a natural look. There is no such thing as too much Wisteria, so go crazy with these fabulous blooms and decorate to your heart’s content. Each branch has a total land impact value of 1 to 10 Li and the set has 40 Li. The item has Copy and Modify permissions.

:FNY: Designs – Antique Garden Bench (PG & Adult)

Every garden needs a place to sit in order to take in the sheer beauty of the surroundings. This exquisite Antique Garden Bench has animations for two avatars and comes in a PG and Adult version! Imagine sitting here amid the flowering blooms of your forgotten garden sharing secrets and letting time move forward. Cuddle with your loved ones and reminisce. The bench has a total land impact value of 5 Li and has Copy and Modify permissions.

Cosmopolitan runs from July 25th to August 6th

Three New Releases at the Fallen New York Design (FNY) Main Store; Forgotten Mossy Garden Floor, Modular Old Garden Wall and Mossy Stones Mega Set.

Collect these three decor items to build and unifiy your gardens appearance. These low impact elements will seamlessly connect your garden and create impressive views.


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Seven Garden Accents on SALE at the Fallen New York Design (FNY) Main Store

During the month of July, enjoy 50% off the following items that fit effortlessly into the Forgotten Garden Theme. You can find them at the Main Store. Use the above slide show to view the collection.

  • Bougainvillea Flowering Climbing Shrub
  • Wild Violets
  • Wild Field Poppies
  • Dead Douglas Fir Tree Set
  • Gillyflowers & Wildgrass Mix
  • Wildgrass
  • Sunflower Set