Cat-Noodle, Mamere, Ariskea, Taikou

Love to Decorate – Inspiring Design




A Note from the Editor

As we head into the spring of 2022, we are excited to unveil our new website format to you.

Moving forward, in addition to the posts about the latest releases by our advertisers and event partners, we will be sharing features focusing on the Second Life™ home and garden community.

Features will include the work of renown home and garden bloggers, some of whom have joined our team. They will be sharing their decorating tips and tricks and we hope their willingness to to do so will provide you inspiration to make your own dream spaces.

In our inaugural set of articles, Bambi Foxdale shares her opinion on essential home and garden inventory items needed to decorate your outdoor space. Victoria James has prepared a beautiful display of spring and Easter decor. Celina Breen has revived the Shopping List, a periodic article showcasing our top ten favorite new releases from throughout the home and garden community. At times, the Shopping List will feature a theme and include previously released items of high quality that we think are must haves. In this go-around, Celina features modern kitchens.

In the future, we will add new types of articles. You may see us put our staff to the test and have them decorate blank spaces where you, the reader, decide who captured the best feel. We will feature new home and garden designers. We will publish articles using only previously released items as there is no reason to believe an item loses usefulness simply because it is not in this month’s round of events. We will even involve you with contests to come.

We want Love to Decorate to be a place where people come because they love to decorate. We hope you will enjoy our content and, most importantly, we hope you will be inspired to get decorating.