
By advertising with Love to Decorate by All About Home, your brand will reach a wide-variety of readers from our website, Facebook and in-world groups.  We reach thousands of SL residents who are eager to add decor to their homes, offices and more.  We are looking to help grow your brand by working together as a team to provide an online marketing resource for your fans and customers to view detailed information about your products and services.

We currently offer 4 advertising packages: Founders, Designers, Creators and Social Media packages.  Please read the below details on each package and contact Duchess Flux our Accounts Manager or Robert Galland, our Owner/CEO to start advertising with us.

“Founder’s Package” 10,000Ls per month

  • Priority coverage of all new releases/sales throughout the month
  • Advertisement (your logo) on our home page of the website
  • Listing in the store/events directory on
  • In-world group notices, 2 notices per week with ability to add store manager
  • Additional content coverage on our social media platforms (including covering WIPs, blogger searches, etc.)
  • Additional coverage on our weekly updates in world (staff will send a highlights from the website every Sunday.  The highlights will cover the top releases and information we have posted through the week, giving an additional highlight featuring your posts).
  • Exclusive invitations, before anyone else, to any sponsored giveaways, events, or other LTD by AAH sponsored events
  • Spotlight feature on the designer and store (or if you wish to feature a different member of your staff/blogger after the feature on the designer)

“Designer’s Package” 7,500Ls per month

  • Priority coverage of new releases, exclusive items and/or sales.
  • Advertisement (your logo) on our home page of the website
  • Listing in the store/events directory
  • In-world group notices, 1 notice per week
  • Additional content coverage on our social media platforms (including covering WIPs, blogger searches, etc.)

“Creator’s Package” 5,000Ls per month

  • Coverage of your new releases and sales (not guaranteed to be priority)
  • Listing in the store/events directory
  • In-world group notices, 1 per week
  • Additional content coverage on our social media platforms (including covering WIPs, blogger searches, etc.)

Social Media Coverage 1,500L per month 

  • Social Media Coverage:  Coverage of a maximum of 4 releases/events on our Facebook platform only.  This will include sharing new releases (with no additional postings to our website, WIPS, blogger searches, etc.
  • In-World Coverage:  Rights to send in-world group notices (under Love to Decorate, with 3,000 members and growing) once per week.  Permissions will include sending rights for you (store designer) and 1 other member of your team (customer service representative or blogger manager.  Between the two staff members, you will be able to send notices in-world a total of 4 times.

Free Content Coverage

The All About Home (with 434 members and growing)  in world group will be utilized for those designers who wish to provide content coverage on their own.  Designers will still be limited to 4 notices per month.

Events coverage.  Events will work under the same pricing packages as listed above with some additional features given the extensive work that goes into an event.  Events will require the following additional pieces for our staff members:

  • Sim access for at least two of the Love to Decorate by All About Home staff members prior to the event date.  This gives us additional time to prepare our posts including the press release on the events page, start writing about home & garden designers who are out and ready, and identify all of the home & garden designers.
  • The LTD by AAH logo featured as a media partner on your website (if you have one).
  • The LTD by AAH subscriber kiosk must be rezzed and visible at your event.  This helps us gain subscribers to our in-world group.

Additional perks (along with the perks from the packages above) are as follows: 

  • Coverage of Home & Garden designers in your events for each package will include:
    • “Founders” Comprehensive Package: Your event will be featured on our events page with your event flyer for the month and a list of all of the home & garden designers found at your event.  Our staff will provide exclusive coverage to any home & garden designers who are the sponsors of the event.  After which, the writers will update the event page to include a link to the stores covered.  We will cover additional stores, if possible, and update links as those are posted.
    • 2 posts per month in the in-world (LTD) group, one being the event opening announcement
    • “Designers” Package: Your event will be featured on our events page with your flyer for the month and a list of all of the home & garden designers found at your event.  Our staff will provide exclusive coverage to any home & garden designers who are the sponsors of the event.
    • 1 post per month in the in-world (LTD) group, announcing the opening of the event
    • “Creators”  Package: Your event will be featured on our events page with your flyer for the month and a list of all of the home & garden designers found at your event.  
    • 1 post per month in the in-world (LTD) group, announcing the opening of the event.
  • Free Content Coverage: 4 posts per month in the in-world (All About Home) group.

If you have any questions or would like to become media partners with LTD, please contact Duchess Flux.

Duchess Flux
